Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week 16: Imperfect

Well, it finally happened: I wasn't able to complete my weekly mileage. First time this training cycle! It was, though, not because I made an excuse and skipped. (I've been super good at doing that in the past!) It was because my body just wasn't cooperating this weekend. It might be that my training has caught up to me. It's probably at least in part (possibly a big part) some medication I took. Whatever the weekend runs (yesterday and today) were amazingly difficult and disheartening. Feeling like that during runs carries more weight when you are training for an ultra and have asked all of your friends and family to financially support a cause. I worry about my mental toughness. What happens when it gets miserably tough at JFK?

I have to finish JFK! I keep telling Wendy, when things aren't going my way. You will. She responds. Every time.

Whatever the case. I still put in a 50 mile week. So that's solid. I just hated feeling so awkward and rotten out there. I can take ownership of not doing enough strength/core work. I've gotten really lazy about that. And I'm feeling it with lots of niggles. I really can't mess around with that stuff. I've gotta be solid going into this thing.

Oh, also, I registered for a 50K like it was no big deal and would just be a helpful part of my training. It will be my first ultra and it is something I am just going to do in passing. Seriously: How did I end up here?! I'm a sprinter! ;)

Fundraising, though, has been going spectuacularly! (That's not a word). As of Friday I've raised $945! Thank you, everyone! I'm well on my way to that $3500!

Again, if you want to join my journey virtually, you can do that here:

If you'd like to support me financially, you can do that here!

And again, thank you, in advance!

Training Mileage Summary
Week 1: 30
Week 2: 31
Week 3: 36
Week 4: 36
Week 5: 27
Week 6: 32
Week 7: 40
Week 8: 34 
Week 9: 43
Week 10: 44
Week 11: 40 
Week 12: 33 
Week 13: 49
Week 14: 50
Week 15: 38
Week 16: 50

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